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Recent News


February 2016

Good news: we have our competition dates all set for this year! Starquest in Providence, RI March 5-6 and Headliners in Vernon, CT April 9-10. We also participated in HuskyTHON and contributed to the $716,000 that was raised for Connecticut Children's Medical Center. We sang and danced for over 18 hours with our HuskyTHON child, Morgan, and had a blast!


November 2015

Over the past two months, lots of progress has been made! We are working hard to perfect our competition dances since we have been invited to perform at the UConn Dance Company Showcase in December! And for the first time the UCONN Tap Team will be taking part in HuskyTHON, the largest collegiate philanthropy in New England, in February. Also, our team just returned from a weekend trip to NYC where we took a variety of classes at Broadway Dance Center. It was a great bonding experience and we even met Maddie Ziegler!


September 2015
Auditions last night were a success! This year we welcome our new members Cori Sylvain, Hanna Macmillan, Kathryn Coolidge and our alternates Samantha Marquardt, Madison Thompson, and Anna Ardizzoni! We are super excited for practices with our choreographers and can't wait for another amazing tap season to begin!
















August 2015
Although the summer is coming to an end, there is good news that goes along with it: the UConn Tap Team is holding auditions again in September! We did have to say goodbye to six seniors in the spring, but this also means there is room for plenty of talent. New year also means new e-board. Our new president is Emily Spinelli, vice president is Olivia Scalise, treasurer is Taylor Bugryn, and secretary is Megan Boyer. We are all very excited for what's to come and will keep you updated on a date for auditions. 


January 2015
We're back! After a restful winter break we have come back and are already hard at work. We have our competition dates set: Starpower in Hartford, CT March 27-29 and Headliners in Vernon, CT April 10-12. We are also in the process of planning two fundraisers; one with America's Best Dance Crew's own Static Noyze! More information on those to come. Thanks for keeping up with us and Happy New Year!


December 2014
As our semester is coming to an end we have some very exciting news: we have a date for our showcase! Everyone mark our calendars and keep Wednesday April, 15th open. The showcase will be at Jorgensen Performing Arts Center. We are very excited!


November 2014
These past two months have been very exciting! We are making great progress with our competition dances as well as learning the Copacetic Canon.  We will be performing the canon at the UConn Dance Company Showcase on November 18th at the Jorgensen Performing Arts Center. Come support two UConn dance teams at once! Additionally, members of our team participated in community service by assisting with Bingo at a nearby rehab and retirement facility. It was a great way for us to give back to the community. Also, our team just returned from a weekend trip to NYC where we took a variety of classes at Broadway Dance Center. It was a great bonding experience and a great learning opportunity as well. Finally, we are working towards nailing down our show date and will let you all know as soon as it is finalized. Enjoy your November and Happy Thanksgiving! 


September 2014 (continued)
We would like to wish a warm welcome to our six new team members: Emliy Beguè, Hannah Stackpole, Victoria Lemme, and alternates Megan Boyer, Mary Donato, and Emily Halpern. Congratulations! In other news we will be doing our first team fundraiser by selling concessions at the Men's and Women's Rugby games on Saturday, September 27th. Come out and support two UConn Club Sports at one time! 


September 2014
Sorry for the hiatus, but we're back! We had an exciting year last year full of team building activities, community outreach, competitions, and an amazing show on the wonderful Jorgensen stage thanks to our incredibly talented choreographers Kate Cavenaugh D'Onofrio and Ryan P. Casey. At the end of the semester we said goodbye and good luck to our three seniors Sarah Johnson, Aviana Rosen, and Colleen Holt. We are so excited to begin another year of tap starting with our auditions Thursday Septmeber 18th. For more information visit our Facebook page or email us at Thanks for visiting our page and keep checking for more updates. Happy September! 












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